'insight for success'
Job Descriptions

Human Management Solutions provides a comprehensive service that identifies the role requirements in the organisation and develops and designs the job description and concurrent skill requirements for that role. The job description for a role in a company allows the organisation to properly identify what needs to be done and what type of candidate can perform that role.
Human Management Solutions can guide you through the relationship of job descriptions so that the company is in compliance with Australian workplace standards and not subject to lawsuits. The correct job description will allow the company to properly set the objectives for that role and assure that they are congruent with the objectives and goals of the company. Lastly, the job description will allow the employee to understand their role and allow both the company and manager to assess their performance in that role.
Fundamentals of Staffing Solutions: Development and Implementation of Job Descriptions
What is a Job Description?
A job description explains the duties and responsibilities of the job itself, not the characteristics of specific individuals performing the job.
What Questions Do Job Descriptions Answer?
WHAT is being done?
WHY is it being done?
HOW is it being done?
BY WHOM is it being done?
IS this what the company needs TODAY?
How are Job Descriptions used?
Communication: Used in discussions between employees and managers – Job Descriptions give a clear understanding of the major duties and responsibilities involved in performing the job.
Performance Appraisals: Provides the information essential in measuring employee performance against the standards for the job itself.
Salary Administration: Used in salary structure development and classification of positions.
Recruitment and Selection: Used to indicate the knowledge, skills and abilities required to do the job successfully.
Training and Development: Useful in planning an employee’s progress within the company.
Human Management Solutions will work with you in performing the job analysis used to write the job descriptions for each job in your company.
To learn more about how Human Management Solutions can work with you in the development and implementation of Job Descriptions, CONTACT US.